
Alessandra Pasetti, Wing57
Alessandra Pasetti, Wing57

Product Name: Wing57
Client: Rudy Project
Year: 2013
Category: Sport
Material: Plastics

With Wing 57, Rudy Project wanted to reach the forefront in aerodynamic design for triathlon bike helmets.

To better develop this, I worked with John Coob, an expert in aerodynamics.
The inspiration for the “top ridge” came from shark anatomy, a great example of how to reduce torsion forces, and transform them into propulsive energy.

The wind tunnel tests proved its efficiency. Shortening the tail, we reached a better balance and developed 2 different front covers to suit every weather condition while assuring the best performance.

To speed up the donning process, fundamental in the triathlon transition area, we added a fastener in the ear covers to follow the natural movement of the strap. The removable tail or “air director” better suits all shoulder and back shapes. The vortex killer pushes air behind the neck and shoulder without interfering from other forces.

Jet Stream
Il casco Wing57 è dotato di una coda aerodinamica calamitata, aggiuntiva e removibile, che può esser applicata in corrispondenza dell’Air Director come sua naturale estensione, migliorando le performance a seconda della configurazione della schiena e delle spalle.

Vortex Killer System
Accellera la ventilazione. Aumenta le performance.
Attraverso la progettazione scientifica delle linee geometriche e delle aperture laterali del casco, il Vortex Killer System™ reindirizza i flussi d’aria,  principale causa di attrito e instabilità, oltre il retro del casco. L’aria è quindi spinta oltre il collo e le spalle ad una diversa intensità e volume rispetto all’aria proveniente dalla direzione opposta.

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